Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, UAC LCMS

Sunday 8:00 a.m.
Sunday 10:30 a.m.
Sunday Bible Study 9:15 a.m.


The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS)

LCMS Logo: three blue crosses stacked

The LCMS is the organization that Zion belongs to. Visit their site for more information about what Lutherans believe, more about the synod and other resources.

Lutheran Hour Ministries

Lutheran Hour Ministries logo: a cross divided into four people with their hands up.

Lutheran Hour Ministries is a multimedia group that broadcasts the Lutheran Hour, a radio program and develops other resources for church use.

Issues Etc.

Issues Etc. logo: a radio microphone casting a shadow in the shape of a cross

Issues Etc. is a podcast and radio show hosted by a Lutheran pastor. He interviews pastors, academics, journalists and others about a variety of issues.

Lutheran Public Radio

Lutheran Public Radio logo: a box with the letters L, P and R on it.

LPR is a sacred music station that broadcasts church music appropiate for the current liturgical season.

Concordia Publishing House

CPH Logo: open Bible with a torch

Concordia Publishing House (CPH) is the publisher for the LCMS. Visit their site for books, devotional resources, music and more.