Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, UAC LCMS

Sunday 8:00 a.m.
Sunday 10:30 a.m.
Sunday Bible Study 9:15 a.m.


The word Catechesis comes from the Greek (and also Latin) word for “Oral Instruction” which involves some repetition and dialogue. The teachings imparted in Catechesis are those foundational to Christianity as Lutherans understand them to have existed all the way back to Christ and His Apostles.

If you are not already a member of another Missouri Synod congregation, we invite you to go through a period of catechesis and discernment. Even those transferring in from another LCMS congregation (or congregation of a Lutheran church body with whom we are in fellowship) are strongly encouraged to attend catechesis as a way of becoming familiar with our pastor and with the doctrinal life of our congregation.

At Zion, we call this class The Christian Faith in Plain Language. Here we gather together as those new to Lutheranism or interested to learn more, as well as life-long Lutherans who simply want to continue to grow in their understanding of the faith. For those unable to attend regularly scheduled classes, our pastor is open to finding alternative times for this teaching to occur. No one who attends this class is required to become Lutheran or to join Zion and no pressure of any sort will be applied to anyone who simply wants to attend and learn more about what we believe. Your questions, and even your doubts, are welcome!

The class is usually taught by the Pastor, but sometimes the Deacon, or an Elder may fill in if the pastor must be away. The class unpacks the teachings of the Holy Scriptures, Luther’s Small Catechism, and the Lutheran Liturgy. Long time members of Zion are always strongly encouraged to attend.

Psalm 1 reminds us that they are truly blessed whose entire being revolves around the Word of God. Deuteronomy 6:4-9 admonishes us to make God’s Word the very foundation and center of our lives, to the point of influencing our thoughts, speech, and actions. Let Christian Catechesis become another avenue in this endeavor, along with regular Sunday morning church and Bible class attendance.

Topics Generally Covered In Catechesis

With work, school, homework, sports, arts, house-work, and family activities, we are struggling to have enough time for catechesis, or even for Sunday School. Life today keeps us very busy. And there are many necessary work, school, and family related activities. There are also many beneficial extra-curricular activities (sports and music for example) available to us. But if those things dominate our lives and we pay little attention to Christ and His Word as the source of our life and faith, at the end of days when Christ returns, what will be left? Jesus said, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.” (Matt 24:35) While we need to fulfill our worldly responsibilities and even take time to benefit from fun and physically or mentally beneficial activities, none of these things should ever take precedence over our foundation in Christ and His Word. Jesus would have us place our primary focus on “The one thing needful” (Luke 10:38-42), and not focus upon our treasures (including time, etc.) on earth which are perishable, but the imperishable and everlasting treasure we have in heaven (Mt 6:19-21).